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Meringues with acquafaba




Precooked chickpeas

360 oz

Brown sugar

100 oz

Lemon juice

1 spoon

Desserts from Italy - Campania

Meringues with acquafaba

Meringues with acquafaba


ready in

1 hour 30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Meringues with acquafaba

Recipe taken from the Cucinare a Colori book published by the Macro Group.

Meringues with acquafaba step 1

step 1

Helping you with a strainer with a tight mesh, pour all the chickpea cooking liquid into a bowl and start to whisk it with electric whips, just as if it were egg whites.

Meringues with acquafaba step 2

step 2

After a couple of minutes, add the lemon juice to the mixture and continue to assemble everything. Finally, gradually add sugar as well. If you use the cane one, chop it first with a blender to make it finer.

Meringues with acquafaba step 3

step 3

Continue to assemble the mixture for at least 10/15 minutes. It will have to triple in volume and have a glossy white color. To make sure that you have sufficiently assembled the acquafab, slightly incline the bowl: if the mixture does not move, then it is ready.

Meringues with acquafaba step 4

step 4

Now pour everything into a sac a poche and form your meringues on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Once the dough has run out, cook at 100 ° for about 1 hour and a half.

Meringues with acquafaba step 5

step 5

After cooking time, remove them and let them cool for a couple of minutes without touching them. Once the outer surface has hardened, gently remove it from the parchment paper and store it in a closed tin box, because the meringues absorb moisture.

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