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Sliced ​​chicken curry with vegetables




Chicken breast

500 oz


80 oz

Yellow peppers

80 oz


2 unit

White table wine

1 glass

Extra virgin olive oil

4 spoons

Iodized salt

to taste

Type 00 wheat flour

3 spoons

Curry powder

2 spoons

second courses from Italy - Puglia

Sliced ​​chicken curry with vegetables

Sliced ​​chicken curry with vegetables

with meat with gluten source of C vitamins high in potassium high in phosphorus with good fats

ready in

35 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Sliced ​​chicken curry with vegetables

A great variation of chicken curry whose fragrance is enhanced from vegetables

Sliced ​​chicken curry with vegetables step 1

step 1

Cut the chicken into thin strips

Sliced ​​chicken curry with vegetables step 2

step 2

Peel the zucchini, carrot and bell pepper and cut into strips

Sliced ​​chicken curry with vegetables step 3

step 3

Heat in a pan a tablespoon of oil and make skip the vegetable mixture for about 3 minutes

Sliced ​​chicken curry with vegetables step 4

step 4

Add salt, remove the vegetables and set aside

Sliced ​​chicken curry with vegetables step 5

step 5

Mix 3 tablespoons of flour with a teaspoon of curry powder and flour in a bag chicken shaking. Remove the flour in excess,

Sliced ​​chicken curry with vegetables step 6

step 6

Put the pan in which you have missed the vegetables, a little oil and brown the meat for

Sliced ​​chicken curry with vegetables step 7

step 7

Add salt with a little salt and add the white wine

Sliced ​​chicken curry with vegetables step 8

step 8

Let it evaporate and cook brought the chicken for about 10 minutes

Sliced ​​chicken curry with vegetables step 9

step 9

Finally joined the vegetables, stir well for the whole season

Sliced ​​chicken curry with vegetables step 10

step 10

Bring in a hot table. Enjoy your meal!

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