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Cake of one thousand leaves




Type 2 wheat flour

360 oz

Yeast for bakery products

1 teaspoon

Egg, yolk

6 unit


2 unit

White sugar

2 cups

Egg, egg white

6 unit


2 spoons

Desserts from Chile

Cake of one thousand leaves

Cake of one thousand leaves

vegetarian with gluten with eggs

ready in

1 hour


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Spanish with google translate

Cake of one thousand leaves

Cheer it up to make this cake. The dough is very easy to make, I just want to knead and use!

Cake of one thousand leaves step 1

step 1

In a bowl sift the flour with the baking powder and make a volcano with the flour and put in the center the yolks and the eggs and the pisco.

Cake of one thousand leaves step 2

step 2

Begin to join and then remove from the bowl and knead until all the ingredients are joined. A hard but moldable dough should remain.

Cake of one thousand leaves step 3

step 3

All that depending on the eggs and the humidity of the flour may be that they should add some water.

Cake of one thousand leaves step 4

step 4

Let the dough rest for 30 minutes. After the rest time divide the dough into 9 servings and begin to stretch. The dough is very hard, it must be opened until it is almost transparent.

Cake of one thousand leaves step 5

step 5

I have a machine to make pasta and I use that to open the dough, hence I make it rectangular. Do not worry if they are different lengths because once baked they can be matched.

Cake of one thousand leaves step 6

step 6

If they decide to make it round look for a can and cut all the disks of that size. Bake at 180g for 5 minutes.

Cake of one thousand leaves step 7

step 7

Fill the layers with morsel sandwiching if you want with a jam.

Cake of one thousand leaves step 8

step 8

Once finished, begin to merge. I prefer Swiss meringue for these preparations.

Cake of one thousand leaves step 9

step 9

To do this, place the egg whites with the sugar in the bowl until the sugar dissolves. If they have a thermometer they should expect it to reach 50 degrees Celsius.

Cake of one thousand leaves step 10

step 10

Then put in the blender and beat until firm. Decorate the cake with the meringue.

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