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Crêpes with cocoa





20 oz

Egg, egg white

100 oz

Bitter cacao

10 oz


to taste

Greek lowfat yogurt

100 oz

Desserts from Italy

Crêpes with cocoa

Crêpes with cocoa

vegetarian with gluten with eggs high in potassium high in phosphorus

ready in

10 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Crêpes with cocoa

Easy recipe and low carb!

Crêpes with cocoa step 1

step 1

Mix together flour (I used the one flavored with cocoa, without adding cocoa to the mixture) and egg white, place the dough on a non-stick pan and turn after a few minutes.

Crêpes with cocoa step 2

step 2

Place cracks over a plate and fill with yogurt. Cover the crêpes with the cocoa cream made by mixing the bitter cocoa with water (if you want you can add honey)

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