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Browse light ricotta spinach and raisins





350 grams

Puff pastry

230 grams


1 unit

Extra virgin olive oil

1 spoon

Raisins, white and red

100 grams

Ricotta cheese

350 grams


2 unit

Iodized salt

to taste

Black pepper

to taste


to taste

Grated Grana Padano

1 spoon

second courses from Italy

Browse light ricotta spinach and raisins

Browse light ricotta spinach and raisins

vegetarian with gluten with eggs with lactose high in calcium high in potassium with good fats

ready in

1 hour 20 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Browse light ricotta spinach and raisins

The classic: a savory pie with ricotta and spinach, enriched dall'uvetta passes.

Browse light ricotta spinach and raisins step 1

step 1

Put to soak the raisins in warm water for 30 minutes.

Browse light ricotta spinach and raisins step 2

step 2

Wash the spinach, let them in leaves and tamponali a little. Cut into thin slices onion and brown it for 3 minutes in a large pan with the oil.

Browse light ricotta spinach and raisins step 3

step 3

Hall and add the raisins. Mix well and add the spinach: cook for 5 minutes, stirring often, over medium heat. Turn off and keep aside.

Browse light ricotta spinach and raisins step 4

step 4

Turn on the oven to 180 degrees. Working it Soften the ricotta with a wooden spoon.

Browse light ricotta spinach and raisins step 5

step 5

Combine a drop of oil, a tablespoon of grated parmesan, a pinch of salt, pepper and nutmeg. Combine the eggs and mix well together.

Browse light ricotta spinach and raisins step 6

step 6

Stretch the pastry in a 30 cm round mold lined with parchment paper.

Browse light ricotta spinach and raisins step 7

step 7

Pour the bottom ricotta, level and cover with the spinach. Without fold the surplus dough inward, cook for 25 minutes, turning out, let cool before serving.

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