10 recipes


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Chicken curry light




Black pepper

to taste


1 half

Extra virgin olive oil

1 spoon

Soy sauce

1 spoon

Curry powder

1 teaspoon

Chicken breast

150 grams

Wholewheat flour

10 grams

second courses from Italy

Chicken curry light

Chicken curry light

with meat with gluten

ready in

15 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Chicken curry light

Good good recipe and especially with very little fat. Very easy and fast with a spicy twist: my chicken breast curry light.

Chicken curry light step 1

step 1

Cut the chicken breast into small pieces and flour it, in the meantime, in a non-stick frying pan, cook the onion, diced, with half a glass of water.

Chicken curry light step 2

step 2

Once dried onion and dried the water add the chicken and brown and sprinkle with soy sauce.

Chicken curry light step 3

step 3

When this is golden add a little 'hot water (half a cup) and a teaspoon of curry.

Chicken curry light step 4

step 4

At this point you will be created a delicious creamy yellow that wrap the chicken breast we just have to Serve and season with the tablespoon of oil in crude and a sprinkling of pepper

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