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Roulade of zucchini stuffed with goat cheese and yellow pepper sauce





1 half wedge

Rocket salad

to taste


1 spoon


1 unit

Yellow peppers

60 grams

Iodized salt

to taste

Soft goat cheese

50 grams

starters from Italy

Roulade of zucchini stuffed with goat cheese and yellow pepper sauce

Roulade of zucchini stuffed with goat cheese and yellow pepper sauce

vegetarian with lactose source of C vitamins high in potassium

ready in

1 hour


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Roulade of zucchini stuffed with goat cheese and yellow pepper sauce

Delicious grilled zucchini roulade stuffed with soft goat cheese, accompanied by a fresh yellow pepper sauce and rocket in which the pucca your roulade!

Roulade of zucchini stuffed with goat cheese and yellow pepper sauce step 1

step 1

Thoroughly wash the zucchini and cut into thick slices about 1cm along the length. Subsequently wash the pepper and let it bake in oven at 180 ° C for 40 min.

Roulade of zucchini stuffed with goat cheese and yellow pepper sauce step 2

step 2

Grilling plate of slices of courgette, a few minutes per side. When cooked, let them rest for you to finish intiepidiscano.

Roulade of zucchini stuffed with goat cheese and yellow pepper sauce step 3

step 3

Take out the peppers from the oven and place them in an ice bag for a few minutes. This will help you more easily remove the skin of the pepper passing it under cold water.

Roulade of zucchini stuffed with goat cheese and yellow pepper sauce step 4

step 4

Let us dedicate ourselves to the sauce. In a boccaccio enter the peeled peppers, arugula, half a clove of garlic, parsley and a pinch of salt. Blend all the ingredients with a blender to obtain a homogeneous consistency.

Roulade of zucchini stuffed with goat cheese and yellow pepper sauce step 5

step 5

Spread, with the help of a knife, the goat on the individual slices of zucchini and subsequently ripiegatele up to create the rollè.

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