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Hazelnut Biscuits Without Butter And Gluten Free




Rice flour

250 grams


100 grams


2 unit

Whole coconut sugar

1100 grams

Extra virgin olive oil

100 mL

Bitter cacao

30 grams

Cream of tartar

4 grams


4 teaspoons

Icing sugar

3 spoons


1 teaspoon


1 piece

Desserts from Italy

Hazelnut Biscuits Without Butter And Gluten Free

Hazelnut Biscuits Without Butter And Gluten Free

vegetarian with eggs with nuts with good fats

ready in

1 hour


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Hazelnut Biscuits Without Butter And Gluten Free

Biscuits made with hazelnut flour and without the use of butter and gluten. A recipe suitable for gluten and lactose intolerant

Hazelnut Biscuits Without Butter And Gluten Free step 1

step 1

To prepare our biscuits with hazelnuts without butter and gluten, we light the oven at 180 ° in static mode, blend the hazelnuts in a mixer until they are reduced to powder

Hazelnut Biscuits Without Butter And Gluten Free step 2

step 2

pour everything in a bowl and add one by one all the other ingredients, first those powder and then those liquids turn well and form a compact ball, wrap it in the film and leave it in the fridge for 1 hour

Hazelnut Biscuits Without Butter And Gluten Free step 3

step 3

spread a sheet of paper between two sheets of baking paper and cut the biscuits with the shape that we like, bake for 12 minutes at 180 °

Hazelnut Biscuits Without Butter And Gluten Free step 4

step 4

To decorate our hazelnut cookies without butter and gluten-free I prepared a simple icing by putting the icing sugar in a glass, 1 teaspoon of water (no more) and a grated ginger.

Hazelnut Biscuits Without Butter And Gluten Free step 5

step 5

we spread the icing on the biscuits and then decorate with sprigs or hazelnuts

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