61 recipes


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Organic rice salad salad




Black rice

350 grams

Corn, yellow

250 grams


300 grams

Pitted green olives

20 unit

Pickled cucumbers

50 grams


100 grams

Red peppers, canned

80 grams

Natural sea salt

to taste

Datterino tomatoes

10 unit

first courses from Italy - Lombardia

Organic rice salad salad

Organic rice salad salad

vegan high in iron source of C vitamins high in potassium

ready in

45 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Organic rice salad salad

A very easy to prepare, healthy, tasty and rich variant of the classic rice salad. The first heat came: I celebrate it with this dish!

Organic rice salad salad step 1

step 1

Boil full organic black rice - or, like me, cook it in a special microwave container, mixing the rice with a quantity of water equal to its volume multiplied by two - for 40 minutes.

Organic rice salad salad step 2

step 2

Meanwhile, prepare the seasoning. Of course, you can add, remove or replace ingredients according to your taste and availability. As long as they are organic: in the bio shop you find everything!

placeholder step

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Organic rice salad salad step 3

step 3

Cut tomatoes, peppers, olives, gherkins and unite peas, corn and onions in a large bowl. Regulate salt.

Organic rice salad salad step 4

step 4

Just ready, pass the rice under running water, in a colander, to cool it and stop the cooking. Cook it WITHOUT SALES.

Organic rice salad salad step 5

step 5

Combine well drained rice with seasoning, salt and mix well. Let it rest in the refrigerator so that the flavors mingle, then serve and enjoy!

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