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raw zucchini spaghetti with pesto cream





2 unit

Grape seed oil

2 spoons

Sunflower seeds, unsalted

1 spoon

Extra virgin olive oil

to taste

first courses from Italy

raw zucchini spaghetti with pesto cream

raw zucchini spaghetti with pesto cream

vegan source of C vitamins high in potassium high in phosphorus

ready in

20 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

raw zucchini spaghetti with pesto cream

If you are one of those people who are allergic to gluten, vegetarian, vegan, crudiste or just curious to try something different, this paste is for you!

Avocado Pesto

prepare first

Avocado Pesto

raw zucchini spaghetti with pesto cream step 1

step 1

To prepare this recipe will serve one spiralizer, or alternatively one of those tools to cut the vegetables into julienne strips.

raw zucchini spaghetti with pesto cream step 2

step 2

First wash the zucchini, cut the stalk, sistematene one at a time horizontally in spiralizer like in the picture and create your beautiful spaghetti squash.

raw zucchini spaghetti with pesto cream step 3

step 3

Heat a skillet over low heat, add a tablespoon of seeds dolio duva or options wholesome rice, and gently blow the zucchini without cooking them altogether.

raw zucchini spaghetti with pesto cream step 4

step 4

Once ready, rinse, dry and mantecateli with pesto avocado. They should be creamy but not excessively so add your pesto gradually to reach the desired amount.

raw zucchini spaghetti with pesto cream step 5

step 5

Decorate it all with a little olive oil and some raw sunflower seed. Done!!

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