117 recipes


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Zucchini Baby With Onion Onion Salted




Iodized salt

to taste


to taste


1 knob


10 unit


1 unit

Side Dishes from Italy

Zucchini Baby With Onion Onion Salted

Zucchini Baby With Onion Onion Salted

vegetarian with lactose source of C vitamins high in potassium high in phosphorus

ready in

25 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Zucchini Baby With Onion Onion Salted

Simple to do, sweet and tasty flavor are a very fresh summer outline that matches with vegetarian burgers, eggs or cheeses.

Zucchini Baby With Onion Onion Salted step 1

step 1

First, prepare the vegetables: Wash and slice the baby's zucchini and sliced ​​the onion.

Zucchini Baby With Onion Onion Salted step 2

step 2

In a large, non-stick frying pan, melt the butter and pour the onions, let it slowly squeeze, add a pinch of salt and turn from time to time.

Zucchini Baby With Onion Onion Salted step 3

step 3

When the onions begin to dry, add the zucchini to washers.

Zucchini Baby With Onion Onion Salted step 4

step 4

Turn to mix the flavors, let them cook on low heat with the lid for about 15/20 minutes and occasionally skip them.

Zucchini Baby With Onion Onion Salted step 5

step 5

Always try to skip them and do not mix them so that they do not break the zucchini washers.

Zucchini Baby With Onion Onion Salted step 6

step 6

Toward lime and pepper filling, let's mix the flavors for a couple of minutes, serve hot and here it is!

Zucchini Baby With Onion Onion Salted step 7

step 7

NOTES: Adding saffron are also good as a pasta dressing.

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