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handmade noodles with cream and mushrooms




Tagliatelle, pasta

400 grams

Porcini mushrooms

90 grams


2 wedges

UHT cooking cream

200 grams


1 spoon

Iodized salt

to taste


to taste

first courses from Italy

handmade noodles with cream and mushrooms

handmade noodles with cream and mushrooms

vegetarian with gluten with lactose

ready in

30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

handmade noodles with cream and mushrooms

The recipe for a husband ... handmade noodles with cream and mushrooms

handmade noodles with cream and mushrooms step 1

step 1

Put the dried mushrooms to soak in warm water for about an hour. With a slotted spoon remove the mushrooms from the water, put them in a colander and rinse well, but gently under warm running water.

handmade noodles with cream and mushrooms step 2

step 2

Do not throw the water where they were to soak the mushrooms. In a large skillet melt butter then a slice pour the mushrooms and garlic. Season with salt and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes.

handmade noodles with cream and mushrooms step 3

step 3

Add 2 ladles of water in which were put to soak the mushrooms being careful to take only the surface water slowly with a wooden spoon.

handmade noodles with cream and mushrooms step 4

step 4

This is to avoid tilling the soil which is on the bottom.

handmade noodles with cream and mushrooms step 5

step 5

Bake for about 15 minutes with the lid moved away adding, when necessary, still water of the mushrooms.

handmade noodles with cream and mushrooms step 6

step 6

Now add the cream, mix thoroughly and possibly even add a little salt and freshly ground pepper. Leave on the heat another 5 minutes.

handmade noodles with cream and mushrooms step 7

step 7

Add the chopped parsley, drain the noodles al dente and pour directly into the sauce pan.

handmade noodles with cream and mushrooms step 8

step 8

A high heat to flavor the dough for just a minute, without making it dry. Serve with a good sprinkling of grated cheese.

handmade noodles with cream and mushrooms step 9

step 9

Tip: everything is cooked with cream tends to cool quickly once the plate, then put holsters to heat up in the oven for a few minutes before serving.

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