55 recipes


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Pistachio crusted chicken breast




Chicken breast

340 grams


70 grams

Lemon peel

1 unit

second courses from Italy

Pistachio crusted chicken breast

Pistachio crusted chicken breast

with meat with nuts high in potassium high in phosphorus with good fats

ready in

30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Pistachio crusted chicken breast

Delicious second course with Sicilian perfumes

Pistachio crusted chicken breast step 1

step 1

Beat the chicken breast with a beat

Pistachio crusted chicken breast step 2

step 2

Chop the pistachios with the grated peel of a lemon

Pistachio crusted chicken breast step 3

step 3

Bread the chicken breasts with the chopped pistachios

Pistachio crusted chicken breast step 4

step 4

Bake in the oven or in an air fryer at 185 degrees for 20 minutes

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