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Homemade ricotta. Even without lactose!




Lactosefree milk

1 fl oz


1/2 unit

starters from Italy

Homemade ricotta. Even without lactose!

Homemade ricotta. Even without lactose!

vegetarian high in calcium

ready in

20 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Homemade ricotta. Even without lactose!

The word ricotta, as it is logical to deduce, indicates more than a baking. Indeed, it is the second cooking of the residue of the milk curd from which the cheese was taken (first salt for example). In the beginning, the whey was simply warmed, waiting for the surface flakes to emerge. Obviously, for speed and convenience, homemade ricotta has a slightly different process.

Homemade ricotta. Even without lactose! step 1

step 1

Put a medium-sized pot on the fire.

Homemade ricotta. Even without lactose! step 2

step 2

Bring the milk to 80 degrees with a thermometer. At the temperature reached, add the lemon, spin the fire and mix slightly. Let it rest for 10 minutes.

Homemade ricotta. Even without lactose! step 3

step 3

NB: If you do not have the thermometer, you can add lemon (or vinegar) orientally when the milk begins to show bubbles on the sides.

Homemade ricotta. Even without lactose! step 4

step 4

After the time has come, you can see that the phenomenon of coagulation has brought the ricotta flakes to the surface that you will have to take with a foam and put it in a special basket.

Homemade ricotta. Even without lactose! step 5

step 5

If you do not want it to dry too much, make it five minutes later. Let it rest in the fridge. It is stored for up to three days.

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