35 recipes


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Light tart with soft yoghurt and strawberries




Brown rice flour

240 oz

Egg, egg white

80 oz

Greek lowfat yogurt

400 oz


240 oz


55 fl oz

Dry yeast for dessert

5 oz


1/2 sachet


6 unit

Desserts from Italy

Light tart with soft yoghurt and strawberries

Light tart with soft yoghurt and strawberries

vegetarian with eggs

ready in

1 hour


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Light tart with soft yoghurt and strawberries

A fat-free frost for a delicious sweet, without guilt!

Light tart with soft yoghurt and strawberries step 1

step 1

Add flour to the albumin, 150 gr of Greek yogurt and yeast, which you have previously poured into 55 ml of lukewarm water, mix and incorporate sweetener and vanilla

Light tart with soft yoghurt and strawberries step 2

step 2

Pour into a silicone mold with a diameter of about 20 cm and bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° for about half an hour

Light tart with soft yoghurt and strawberries step 3

step 3

At the end of the cooking, let it cool down and remove the mold from the mold

Light tart with soft yoghurt and strawberries step 4

step 4

Distribute the remaining Greek yogurt over the top and add the strawberries. Place the tart in the refrigerator for about ten minutes for the yogurt to thicken and the chill will cool further

Light tart with soft yoghurt and strawberries step 5

step 5

For an even more delicious touch, you can add strawberries to peanut butter or a chocolate crumb made with bitter cocoa and water qb :-)

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