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Piadina recipe for buckwheat and sage




buckwheat flour

250 oz

Extra virgin olive oil

2 spoons

Iodized salt

1 pinch

Fresh sage

5 leafs


to taste

Greek yogurt from full fat milk

200 oz

Pink salmon

400 oz

Tomatoes for salad

3 unit

single courses from Italy

Piadina recipe for buckwheat and sage

Piadina recipe for buckwheat and sage

with fish source of D vitamins

ready in

30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Piadina recipe for buckwheat and sage

Who does not like the piadina !? That Romagna, tasty cheti fills the mouth. But alas, not everyone can enjoy this pleasure. When I want to piadina, I, I go for my one piadina recipe gluten. I make different versions, but this time I opted for using the buckwheat flour aromatizzandola with chopped sage. I must say that is one of the versions that satisfied me the most.

Piadina recipe for buckwheat and sage step 1

step 1

Let's start with the first suggestion: the buckwheat flour is very sticky so add it to a little at a time. Start by putting the flour in a bowl and pour the oil, the chopped sage and salt.

Piadina recipe for buckwheat and sage step 2

step 2

At this point you can begin adding water. If you can work the dough with a spatula that, otherwise, even a fork is fine.

Piadina recipe for buckwheat and sage step 3

step 3

When the dough will be quite smooth and shape, you can begin to work it with your hands. Knead well and when the dough does not stick to your hands ready.

Piadina recipe for buckwheat and sage step 4

step 4

You can now divide it into several parts. With these doses, usually, I get 10 maximum 12 balls.

Piadina recipe for buckwheat and sage step 5

step 5

Put the ball between two sheets of cartaforno and begin to flatten with a rolling pin giving as a circular shape.

Piadina recipe for buckwheat and sage step 6

step 6

Well, the worst is over. At this point you just have to continue cooking. Heat a non-stick pan and cook at least 5 minutes per side. The piadina will begin abbrustolirsi and become crisp.

Piadina recipe for buckwheat and sage step 7

step 7

Now you can pick the topping. I stuffed with greek yogurt and salmon, I added a few slices of tomato and sage dellaltra.

Piadina recipe for buckwheat and sage step 8

step 8

The rustic flavor of sage with fresh sage and the strong taste of salmon, meets the acidity of the yogurt and it is really so, it's delicious!

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