117 recipes


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Sardinian artichokes in the pan





1 half

Iodized salt

to taste

Extra virgin olive oil

to taste

White wine

1/2 glass


2 wedges


1 spoon


5 unit

Side Dishes from Italy

Sardinian artichokes in the pan

Sardinian artichokes in the pan

vegan high in fiber

ready in

30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Sardinian artichokes in the pan

Artichokes are defending themselves with thorns, because they have a very tender heart. They are the protectors of the liver, help to eliminate toxins and promote diuresis.

Sardinian artichokes in the pan step 1

step 1

Clean the artichokes by depriving them of the toughest leaves and the beard.

Sardinian artichokes in the pan step 2

step 2

Man to clean them they put them in a bowl with water and half a lemon squeezed, the heart of the artichoke in contact with the air oxidizes and turns black, with lemon remain beautiful clear.

Sardinian artichokes in the pan step 3

step 3

In a pan pour a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and garlic clean and crushed, let sizzle and subsequently add the artichokes.

Sardinian artichokes in the pan step 4

step 4

Sauté for a few minutes, sprinkle with the white wine and let evaporate the alcohol.

Sardinian artichokes in the pan step 5

step 5

Add half a glass of water, stir and cover with a lid for about 15-20 minutes.

Sardinian artichokes in the pan step 6

step 6

When they are almost cooked, add the chopped parsley and let evaporate excess water finalizing cooking. Serve warm beautiful, that's it!

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