88 recipes


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Light biscuits




buckwheat flour

250 grams

Baking powder for desserts

8 grams


50 grams

Extra virgin olive oil

40 grams


1 unit

Desserts from Italy

Light biscuits

Light biscuits

vegetarian high in magnesium with good fats

ready in

25 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Light biscuits

These biscuits with buckwheat and apple are really delicious but above all they are without butter and without sugar, really light! Very easy to prepare, just mix all the ingredients and make balls to crush.

Light biscuits step 1

step 1

Combine all ingredients and mix.

Light biscuits step 2

step 2

Shape into balls with your hands and mash them a bit '.

placeholder step

sponsor of the author

Light biscuits step 3

step 3

Bake at 180 degrees for about 15-20 minutes.

Light biscuits step 4

step 4

On my YouTube channel you will also find the Video Recipe!

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