37 recipes


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Pasta with avocado pesto





1 half

Semolina pasta

100 grams

Extra virgin olive oil

6 spoons

Shelled walnuts

4 unit


1 teaspoon

first courses from Italy

Pasta with avocado pesto

Pasta with avocado pesto

vegan with gluten with nuts high in potassium high in phosphorus

ready in

15 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Pasta with avocado pesto

With a small leftover of avocado I discovered that you can get a good condiment for pasta, waiting for the basil reappears in the vegetable garden

Pasta with avocado pesto step 1

step 1

I put avocado, salt, oil and walnuts in the pestle

Pasta with avocado pesto step 2

step 2

I pounded until obtaining a homogeneous and creamy pesto

Pasta with avocado pesto step 3

step 3

I drained the pasta and I dressed it with avocado pesto

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