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Tagliatelle with cardoncelli mushrooms




Tagliatelle, pasta

350 grams

Cardoncelli mushrooms

500 grams


2 wedges

Extra virgin olive oil

to taste


to taste


to taste


1 sprig

first courses from Italy - Puglia

Tagliatelle with cardoncelli mushrooms

Tagliatelle with cardoncelli mushrooms

vegan with gluten high in potassium

ready in

25 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Tagliatelle with cardoncelli mushrooms

A classic of autumn cuisine: tagliatelle with cardoncelli mushrooms! A simple and tasty recipe perfect to serve in every occasion!

Tagliatelle with cardoncelli mushrooms step 1

step 1

First clean the cardoncelli mushrooms, removing any residual earth then cut them into strips.

Tagliatelle with cardoncelli mushrooms step 2

step 2

In un tegame versate l’olio evo e gli spicchi d'aglio.

Tagliatelle with cardoncelli mushrooms step 3

step 3

Unite i funghi tagliati e mezzo bicchiere d’acqua.

Tagliatelle with cardoncelli mushrooms step 4

step 4

Portate a bollore e fate cuocere, a fuoco lento, per circa una mezz’ora, mescolando di tanto in tanto.

Tagliatelle with cardoncelli mushrooms step 5

step 5

A metà cottura unite sale e pepe.

Tagliatelle with cardoncelli mushrooms step 6

step 6

Nel frattempo portate ad ebollizione abbondante acqua salata.

Tagliatelle with cardoncelli mushrooms step 7

step 7

Unite poi la pasta e, quando sarà cotta, versatela nella padella dei funghi.

Tagliatelle with cardoncelli mushrooms step 8

step 8

Unite anche il prezzemolo fresco tritato e mescolate bene affinchè tutti i sapori si uniscano. Poi servite!

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