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Pan-fried tuna steak




Fresh tuna

4 slices


1 wedge


30 grams


4 fillets

Cherry tomatoes

10 unit

Pitted black olives

20 unit

Extra virgin olive oil

to taste

White table wine

1 glass


to taste

Chili pepper

1 unit


1 spoon

second courses from Italy - Puglia

Pan-fried tuna steak

Pan-fried tuna steak

with fish high in potassium high in phosphorus

ready in


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Pan-fried tuna steak

Pan-fried tuna steak is a really tasty dish, prepared with simple and inexpensive ingredients.

Pan-fried tuna steak step 1

step 1

First wash the tuna steaks carefully under running water, drain them and dry them well; finally flour them.

Pan-fried tuna steak step 2

step 2

In a non-stick pan, with a little bit of extra virgin olive oil, brown a clove of garlic along with the desalted capers, the anchovies and the chopped chilli.

Pan-fried tuna steak step 3

step 3

Then add the black olives, the chopped tomatoes, a sprinkling of oregano and let evaporate over high heat with a little white wine.

Pan-fried tuna steak step 4

step 4

When the alcohol part of the wine has evaporated, lower the heat and add the tuna steaks being careful not to break them down.

Pan-fried tuna steak step 5

step 5

Cook for about 15 minutes turning the fish gently from time to time.

Pan-fried tuna steak step 6

step 6

Once ready, season with salt, then place the slices in the dishes, sprinkle with the base sauce and serve hot!

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