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Pasta with ricotta, saffron and chopped pistachios




Semolina pasta

320 oz

Ricotta cheese

200 oz

Pistachio grain

40 oz

Iodized salt

2 pinches


to taste

Grated Parmesan cheese

1 spoon


1 sachet

first courses from Italy - Puglia

Pasta with ricotta, saffron and chopped pistachios

Pasta with ricotta, saffron and chopped pistachios

vegetarian with gluten with lactose with nuts high in phosphorus

ready in

20 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Pasta with ricotta, saffron and chopped pistachios

If you want a first creamy, enveloping and tasty, the Pasta with ricotta, saffron and chopped pistachios is what you need!

Pasta with ricotta, saffron and chopped pistachios step 1

step 1

To prepare the pasta with ricotta, saffron and chopped pistachios started by boiling a pot with plenty of salted water and cook the pasta.

Pasta with ricotta, saffron and chopped pistachios step 2

step 2

Meanwhile, in a bowl, crush the ricotta with a fork and add the Parmesan and a ground pepper.

Pasta with ricotta, saffron and chopped pistachios step 3

step 3

When the pasta is almost cooked, and then release the starch, take a little 'cooking water and let the saffron dissolve.

Pasta with ricotta, saffron and chopped pistachios step 4

step 4

Pour into the bowl with the ricotta and mix well, until a smooth cream is obtained.

Pasta with ricotta, saffron and chopped pistachios step 5

step 5

Drain the pasta, keeping a little more cooking water in case the dish is too dry, and pour it into the bowl.

Pasta with ricotta, saffron and chopped pistachios step 6

step 6

Mix well to mix the pasta sauce and serve the pasta with ricotta and saffron immediately, sprinkle with a little grated Parmesan or ground pepper and the pistachios grain.

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