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Fillets of salmon served with zucchini





300 grams


3 unit


3 grams

Iodized salt

to taste

Extra virgin olive oil

to taste

second courses from Italy

Fillets of salmon served with zucchini

Fillets of salmon served with zucchini

with fish source of C vitamins source of D vitamins high in potassium high in magnesium high in phosphorus with good fats

ready in

30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Fillets of salmon served with zucchini

Simple, fast and tasty!

Fillets of salmon served with zucchini step 1

step 1

Wash and cut the zucchini

Fillets of salmon served with zucchini step 2

step 2

the grilled zucchini (about 3 minutes per side)

Fillets of salmon served with zucchini step 3

step 3

season with olive oil and chives salt, allow to cool

Fillets of salmon served with zucchini step 4

step 4

grilled salmon (about 20 minutes on low heat).

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