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Flatbread, the muffins of little red hood




Greek yogurt from full fat milk

100 grams

Sodium bicarbonate

1 teaspoon

Iodized salt

to taste

Extra virgin olive oil

4 spoons

Type 0 wheat flour

100 grams

Bakery products from Norway

Flatbread, the muffins of little red hood

Flatbread, the muffins of little red hood

vegetarian with gluten with good fats

ready in

10 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Flatbread, the muffins of little red hood

Flatbread is a leavening bread that originates in Norway. It is very easy to do, it is prepared in 5 minutes and is cooked in a pan in a very short time. It is tasty and has a consistency halfway between a muffin and a piadina. My little girl has nicknamed her little red hood scones. It is good, healthy and fast and as such it is excellent for snack or to accompany Middle-Eastern or Asian dishes or sauces, such as chickpea humus, chicken curry, tajine. Excellent also with local meats and cheeses!

Flatbread, the muffins of little red hood step 1

step 1

For 4 flatbread: mix 100 g of whole Greek yogurt, 100 gr of flour 0, a third of teaspoon of bicarbonate and salt (I put half a teaspoon, but evaluated according to your taste).

Flatbread, the muffins of little red hood step 2

step 2

Work the dough for a little, just for the time necessary to mix the ingredients and, if you have the time, let it rest for 20 minutes. Otherwise, proceed directly to the next step.

Flatbread, the muffins of little red hood step 3

step 3

Divide the dough into 4 equal parts and form 4 balls that will roll out with the help of a little flour and possibly a rolling pin, up to a thickness of about half a cm, forming discs.

Flatbread, the muffins of little red hood step 4

step 4

Heat a pan. Brush oil evo on one side of one of the dough disks and place it in the pan, so that the oiled side is in contact with the pan. Brush the top side too

Flatbread, the muffins of little red hood step 5

step 5

Cook for 1 or 2 minutes over medium heat and then turn, cooking 1/2 minutes on the other side. Remove from the pan, brush again with a little 'extra virgin olive oil and serve hot.

Flatbread, the muffins of little red hood step 6

step 6

NB. You can also add aromatic herbs, turmeric, ginger and seeds to your dough ... what you prefer! You can also brush the flatbread with melted butter to replace the oil. Sbizzarritevi in ​​making changes!

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