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Spaghetti with tomato sauce





320 grams


2 wedges

Extra virgin olive oil

to taste


1 handful

Tomato pulp

1 can


to taste


to taste


2 pinches

first courses from Italy - Puglia

Spaghetti with tomato sauce

Spaghetti with tomato sauce

vegan with gluten high in potassium

ready in

25 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Spaghetti with tomato sauce

One of the first traditional dishes of Salento are the Spaghetti with tomato sauce! A platter of Mediterranean and authentic flavors !!! #kitchen

Spaghetti with tomato sauce step 1

step 1

In a large pan, pour two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil along with a clove of peeled garlic add chopped anchovies and brown them over a low flame.

Spaghetti with tomato sauce step 2

step 2

Dopo qualche minuto, unite la polpa di pomodoro.

Spaghetti with tomato sauce step 3

step 3

Sistemate di sale, pepe e proseguite la cottura per 10-15 minuti.

Spaghetti with tomato sauce step 4

step 4

Controllate la cottura del sugo affinchè non si bruci. A fine cottura unite l'origano e fate insaporire bene.

Spaghetti with tomato sauce step 5

step 5

Nel frattempo, in un altra padella, cuocere gli spaghetti.

Spaghetti with tomato sauce step 6

step 6

Una volta cotti al dente, scolateli e fateli saltare con il sughetto a fiamma alta in modo che si insaporiscano bene. Dopodichè impiattate e servite la vostra pasta con un filo d'olio evo e una spolverata di origano!

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