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Pepper and bean salad




Precooked beans

100 grams

Red peppers

1 half

Green peppers

1 half

Red spring onions

1/4 unit

Pitted green olives

8 unit

White vinegar

2 spoons


to taste

single courses from Spain

Pepper and bean salad

Pepper and bean salad

vegan high in fiber source of C vitamins high in potassium

ready in

10 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Spanish with google translate

Pepper and bean salad

An easy and quick salad, ideal for the hottest days.

Pepper and bean salad step 1

step 1

Wash the vegetables. Cut the peppers, a piece of small purple onion and the olives (I used some stuffed onions).

placeholder step

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Pepper and bean salad step 2

step 2

Add about 100 grams of cooked white beans and dress with white vinegar and oregano to taste. Mix and serve.

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