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Microwave pudding




Soy drink

100 mL

White sugar

1 teaspoon

Dark chocolate chips, vegan

2 teaspoons

Agar agar powder

1 teaspoon

Desserts from Italy

Microwave pudding

Microwave pudding


ready in

1 hour 30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Microwave pudding

Also suitable for small children 6 months, just cut down on sugar. Light, summer and anti-dirty dessert: just a cup and a mold (if you want).

Microwave pudding step 1

step 1

In a cup mix milk, sugar and gelatin powder / agar agar

Microwave pudding step 2

step 2

Put the cup in the microwave at maximum power for 2 minutes, checking that the liquid does not come out

Microwave pudding step 3

step 3

Put the chocolate chips in a mold and the milk on top. Let it rest in the fridge for at least 1h or for 15-20 'minutes in the freezer

Microwave pudding step 4

step 4

Council to put it in the freezer and move it in the fridge after 15 minutes to defrost it a little, then remove from the mold

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