58 recipes


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Cod meatballs without eggs





400 grams


1 unit


1 pinch


1 sprig


2 spoons

second courses from Italy - Piemonte

Cod meatballs without eggs

Cod meatballs without eggs

with gluten with fish

ready in

30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Cod meatballs without eggs

Not sure how to make your kids eat fish? Or are you tired of eating the usual Cod without imagination? These meatballs are an excellent solution for adults and especially children to enjoy fish in a delicious way, but above all practical to take to work the next day .. In fact, with these doses we ate in two days, but obviously you are free to consume them in a single meal

Cod meatballs without eggs step 1

step 1

For convenience I used frozen cod which I thawed all day before I could use it. The first step is to boil the potato and, once cooled (even under cold running water), whisk together with the cod in a mixer.

Cod meatballs without eggs step 2

step 2

Put the mixture in a bowl and add the salt, parsley and breadcrumbs. Mix everything well and form the meatballs and bread in the breadcrumbs.

Cod meatballs without eggs step 3

step 3

For cooking I chose the pan mode, but not fried, only with a drizzle of oil, low cooking with lid 5 min per side, but they are also delicious in the oven or in the sauce

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