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Labneh in vegetable version




Soy yogurt

500 grams


to taste


to taste

second courses from world

Labneh in vegetable version

Labneh in vegetable version


ready in

12 hours 5 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Labneh in vegetable version

The vegetable version of Labneh is a fresh formaggio based on natural soy yogurt. The process to prepare it at home is very easy.

Labneh in vegetable version step 1

step 1

Line a large sieve or colander with a clean, odor-free cloth. Place a deep dish or bowl underneath.

Labneh in vegetable version step 2

step 2

Pour the yogurt into the cloth, then close the 4 corners with a clothespin.

Labneh in vegetable version step 3

step 3

Let the yogurt rest in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours. I generally leave it for a couple of days because I prefer a more compact result.

Labneh in vegetable version step 4

step 4

After this time, collect the cheese with a spoon and place it in a bowl. Season it with salt and aromatic herbs, if you like.

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