61 recipes


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Farfalle in cream of cicerchia, rocket and dried tomatoes




Wholewheat pasta

70 grams

Grass pea

120 grams

Dry tomatoes

2 unit

Rocket salad

1 unit

Black pepper

1 pinch

Grated Grana Padano

1 pinch


a bit


a bit

first courses from Italy

Farfalle in cream of cicerchia, rocket and dried tomatoes

Farfalle in cream of cicerchia, rocket and dried tomatoes

vegetarian with gluten with lactose high in fiber high in iron high in calcium high in potassium

ready in

20 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Farfalle in cream of cicerchia, rocket and dried tomatoes

A velvety cream of cicerchia in contrast with the pungent rocket and the peculiarity of dried tomatoes

Farfalle in cream of cicerchia, rocket and dried tomatoes step 1

step 1

Sauté the already boiled cicerchia in a pan with a mixture of oil, onion and herbs. Once seasoned, transfer to a tall container, add oil, a drop of water, parmesan, salt, black pepper and coriander. Whisk.

Farfalle in cream of cicerchia, rocket and dried tomatoes step 2

step 2

Put a pasta pan to boil. Meanwhile, pour a drizzle of oil into the same pan of the cicerchia and brown the rocket with pasta cooking water, after a few minutes add the dried tomatoes previously blanched

Farfalle in cream of cicerchia, rocket and dried tomatoes step 3

step 3

Add the cream of cicerchia to the pan, drain the pasta and stir in adding cooking water if necessary. When the stove is off, add a little oil, other parmesan, pepper and toasted sesame seeds. Bon déjeuner

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