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Zucchini Burger





1 unit


1 unit


1/2 unit

Wholewheat flour

30 oz

Olive oil

2 spoons

Coarse salt

to taste

single courses from Chile

Zucchini Burger

Zucchini Burger

vegan with gluten source of C vitamins high in potassium with good fats

ready in

30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Spanish with google translate

Zucchini Burger

Exquisite and tasty vegan burgers to accompany with rice, mashed potatoes or whatever you want.

Zucchini Burger step 1

step 1

Grate Italian squash and carrots and let drain well.

Zucchini Burger step 2

step 2

Chop onions into small squares.

Zucchini Burger step 3

step 3

Mix the vegetables with the flour of your choice, be it chickpea flour, oatmeal, regular flour or the one you like best. Salt and pepper.

Zucchini Burger step 4

step 4

Form balls with your hands and crush

Zucchini Burger step 5

step 5

Take to the preheated oven with olive oil base or a pan with olive oil.

Zucchini Burger step 6

step 6

Brown and serve. Enjoy as you like.

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