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Integral ricotta and rocket pasta




Wholewheat pasta

70 oz

Ricotta cheese

100 oz

Rocket salad

25 oz

Extra virgin olive oil

3 spoons


2 pinches


1 pinch

first courses from Italy

Integral ricotta and rocket pasta

Integral ricotta and rocket pasta

vegetarian with gluten with lactose high in calcium high in phosphorus with good fats

ready in

15 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Integral ricotta and rocket pasta

A creamy and quick first course

Integral ricotta and rocket pasta step 1

step 1

Toss the pasta in plenty of boiling salted water.

Integral ricotta and rocket pasta step 2

step 2

While cooking, prepare the sauce: in a mixer, reduce the rocket to a fine end. Transfer it to a bowl, add ricotta, salt, pepper and oil and mix well.

Integral ricotta and rocket pasta step 3

step 3

Drain the pasta and season with the ricotta and rocket sauce.

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