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Baked meat and spinach meatballs




Ground veal meat

250 oz

Frozen spinach

250 oz


1 unit


3 spoons


3 pinches


1 pinch

second courses from Italy

Baked meat and spinach meatballs

Baked meat and spinach meatballs

with meat with gluten with eggs high in iron high in potassium

ready in

30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Baked meat and spinach meatballs

Light and tasty!

Baked meat and spinach meatballs step 1

step 1

Put the spinach in a pan with oil, salt and pepper to taste.

Baked meat and spinach meatballs step 2

step 2

Mix them with the minced meat, add the egg and the breadcrumbs.

Baked meat and spinach meatballs step 3

step 3

Once all the ingredients have been mixed together with the help of a spoon, form balls and pass them in the breadcrumbs. Place them in a pan lined with baking paper and let rest in the fridge for 15 minutes.

Baked meat and spinach meatballs step 4

step 4

Bake in a static oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

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