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Spaghetti with prawns and pistachios flavored with lemon




Extra virgin olive oil

4 spoons


1 wedge

Lemon peel

1 spoon


320 grams


200 grams

Pistachio grain

60 grams


3 pinches


1 pinch

Lemon juice

1/2 cup

first courses from Italy - Marche

Spaghetti with prawns and pistachios flavored with lemon

Spaghetti with prawns and pistachios flavored with lemon

with gluten with nuts with shellfish high in phosphorus with good fats

ready in

20 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Spaghetti with prawns and pistachios flavored with lemon

Rich in Omega 3

Spaghetti with prawns and pistachios flavored with lemon step 1

step 1

Brown garlic in oil.

Spaghetti with prawns and pistachios flavored with lemon step 2

step 2

Add the thinly sliced lemon peel and the shrimp stirs and season with salt and pepper. And cook for 5 minutes

Spaghetti with prawns and pistachios flavored with lemon step 3

step 3

Sauté the pasta al dente for 5 minutes with a ladle of water and the lemon juice

Spaghetti with prawns and pistachios flavored with lemon step 4

step 4

Dust with the chopped pistachios and serve

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