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Meatloaf vegetarian pea





270 grams

Salted peanuts

30 grams


30 grams


1 unit

Iodized salt

to taste


to taste


to taste


1 teaspoon

second courses from Italy

Meatloaf vegetarian pea

Meatloaf vegetarian pea

vegetarian with gluten with eggs with nuts high in fiber source of C vitamins

ready in

1 hour


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Meatloaf vegetarian pea

Meatloaf vegetarian pea

Meatloaf vegetarian pea step 1

step 1

Bring the oven, ventilated, 200 °. Meanwhile cook the steam peas and leave to cool.

Meatloaf vegetarian pea step 2

step 2

Chop finely ground nuts then post them in the blender along with the breadcrumbs and peas.

Meatloaf vegetarian pea step 3

step 3

Add the egg beaten with a little milk, herbs, 2 pinches of salt, pepper, nutmeg and a generous teaspoon of ginger. Blend the whole obtaining a soft mixture.

Meatloaf vegetarian pea step 4

step 4

Roll out a sheet of parchment paper on work surface and pour the dough. Shape the meatloaf stretching it in parchment paper, tie it with candy and place it on the baking tray. Bake and cook for 40-45 minutes.

Meatloaf vegetarian pea step 5

step 5

Whip up, let it cool, unroll the meatloaf and serve with a fresh salad of tomatoes with mint.

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