132 recipes


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Bread snails with ricotta




Farina Farina Intera

500 grams

find out more

Full fat milk

250 mL

Ricotta cheese

100 grams

Dry brewer's yeast

10 grams


12 grams

Sunflower oil

50 mL

Bakery products from Italy

Bread snails with ricotta

Bread snails with ricotta

vegetarian with gluten with lactose high in iron high in potassium high in magnesium

ready in

2 hours 30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Bread snails with ricotta

Crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. Excellent as a snack

Bread snails with ricotta step 1

step 1

Put the flour, baking powder, salt and ricotta in a bowl. Pour the oil and water and knead until the mixture is homogeneous and firm. Form a ball and leave to rise covered for about 40 minutes.

Bread snails with ricotta step 2

step 2

After this time, cut the dough into loaves of about 1 cm in diameter. Roll up each loaf on itself and form many snails. Let rise until doubled. Then bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for about 15 minutes.

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