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Nicecream banana and spirulina





3 unit

Soy drink

300 mL

Spirulina algae

2 spoons

Desserts from Italy - Abruzzo

Nicecream banana and spirulina

Nicecream banana and spirulina


ready in

4 hours


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Nicecream banana and spirulina

Quick and easy recipe for healthy ice cream. You can use the ice cream maker with 100ml of vegetable cream, to make it creamier. Banana is already sweet but you can put syrup or dates to sweeten more.

Nicecream banana and spirulina step 1

step 1

Put all the ingredients in the blender and blend.

Nicecream banana and spirulina step 2

step 2

Put the mixture in a container and freeze for 2 hours.

Nicecream banana and spirulina step 3

step 3

Remove from the freezer and mix, then freeze for another 2 hours minimum.

Nicecream banana and spirulina step 4

step 4

Leave a few minutes out of the freezer before serving. (Become softer and sickle to portion)

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