29 recipes


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Soft-boiled egg





1 unit

single courses from Italy

Soft-boiled egg

Soft-boiled egg

vegetarian with eggs

ready in

6 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Soft-boiled egg

the secret of perfect cooking explained so as not to risk becoming hard or too liquid

Soft-boiled egg step 1

step 1

place a pan with water on moderate heat, when the water will boil insert the eggs inside

Soft-boiled egg step 2

step 2

the eggs will have to cook for 6 minutes, use a timer. the meticulousness of the timing is important.

Soft-boiled egg step 3

step 3

Once ready, drain them, rinse them with cold water and let them cool. Then serve your eggs with crispy croutons

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