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Roulade of chicken breast with zucchini and soft cheese




Iodized salt

to taste

Black pepper

to taste

Extra virgin olive oil

to taste

White table wine

1 coffee cup

Fresh sage

4 leafs

Fresh rosemary

3 sprigs


1 unit

Stracchino cheese

80 grams


4 unit

Chicken breast

350 grams

second courses from Italy

Roulade of chicken breast with zucchini and soft cheese

Roulade of chicken breast with zucchini and soft cheese

with meat with lactose source of C vitamins high in potassium high in phosphorus

ready in

30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Roulade of chicken breast with zucchini and soft cheese

According tasty dish for all ages !!

Roulade of chicken breast with zucchini and soft cheese step 1

step 1

The first thing to do is cut and trifolare the zucchini in a pan with the oil and chopped shallots. Season with salt and pepper and let simmer about 15min.

Roulade of chicken breast with zucchini and soft cheese step 2

step 2

Just ready zucchini prepare our rolls with a meat mallet beating the sliced ​​chicken covered with a sheet of baking paper

Roulade of chicken breast with zucchini and soft cheese step 3

step 3

then placing on each a bit of zucchini and a teaspoon of stracchino. We rolled up and we stop our rolls with toothpicks.

placeholder step

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Roulade of chicken breast with zucchini and soft cheese step 4

step 4

We cook our rolls in a pan with high sides with a dolio wire. We brown the meat and sfumiamo with white wine.

Roulade of chicken breast with zucchini and soft cheese step 5

step 5

Add the rosemary and sage and cook with the lid for 15min turning occasionally with the help of a kitchen caliper.

Roulade of chicken breast with zucchini and soft cheese step 6

step 6

Season with salt and pepper and Bon appetit !!

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