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Rustic tart chocolate and strawberries




Egg, egg white

50 oz


50 oz

Cacao powder

10 oz


50 oz

Desserts from Italy

Rustic tart chocolate and strawberries

Rustic tart chocolate and strawberries

vegetarian with gluten with eggs source of C vitamins high in potassium high in phosphorus

ready in

20 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Rustic tart chocolate and strawberries

A delicious tart for every moment of the day

Rustic tart chocolate and strawberries step 1

step 1

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees

Rustic tart chocolate and strawberries step 2

step 2

Mix the egg white with the oat flour and cocoa powder until a smooth dough is obtained

Rustic tart chocolate and strawberries step 3

step 3

Roll out the pastry on a sheet of parchment paper sprinkled with a little oatmeal

Rustic tart chocolate and strawberries step 4

step 4

Cut the strawberries into slices and place them in the center and fold the edges of the pastry onto themselves

Rustic tart chocolate and strawberries step 5

step 5

Bake and cook for 15 minutes

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