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Venus burger or rice balls and beans




Borlotti beans

200 grams

Black rice

100 grams


2 spoons

Sunflower oil

10 mL


1 unit

Dry tomatoes

4 unit

single courses from Italy

Venus burger or rice balls and beans

Venus burger or rice balls and beans

vegan with gluten high in fiber high in potassium

ready in

1 hour 10 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Venus burger or rice balls and beans

Simple burgers or tasty meatballs?

Venus burger or rice balls and beans step 1

step 1

Boil the beans Cook the black rice Bring a blender, where to put inside the beans, rice, spices to taste, oil and mix. Only at the end add the breadcrumbs is the shredded carrot. Make meatballs or burgers. Baking in the oven or in a pan.

Venus burger or rice balls and beans step 2

step 2

Only at the end add the breadcrumbs is the shredded carrot. Make meatballs or burgers. Baking in the oven or in a pan

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