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Fake banana ice cream and strawberries





200 grams


2 unit

Desserts from Italy

Fake banana ice cream and strawberries

Fake banana ice cream and strawberries

vegan source of C vitamins high in potassium

ready in

30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Fake banana ice cream and strawberries

As good as a real ice cream but healthy and low in calories.

Fake banana ice cream and strawberries step 1

step 1

Cut the bananas into slices and chopped strawberries and congelatele for at least 30 minutes. Better if you do not form a single block so congelatele on a tray covered with baking paper.

Fake banana ice cream and strawberries step 2

step 2

Whisk together until the mixture is creamy. If the mixer is not very powerful games from bananas and add the strawberries little at a time.

Fake banana ice cream and strawberries step 3

step 3

In place of the strawberries you can use any fruit. The banana provides creamy texture, if you do not like using the berries (or cocoa), will fully cover the taste.

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