29 recipes


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Nutella Crepes





3 unit

Skimmed milk

500 fl oz

White sugar

50 oz


1 pinch


2 spoons

Type 00 wheat flour

250 oz

Desserts from France

Nutella Crepes

Nutella Crepes

vegetarian with gluten with eggs with lactose with nuts

ready in

15 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Nutella Crepes

Classic Nutella Crêpes

Nutella Crepes step 1

step 1

beat the eggs, then add the sugar and milk.

Nutella Crepes step 2

step 2

gradually add the flour making it well incorporated into the batter, finally add a pinch of salt.

Nutella Crepes step 3

step 3

Heat a non-stick pan and melt a knob of butter on the bottom. When the pan is hot, pour the batter with a ladle. Move the pan to cover the whole bottom with the batter. (Making suitably thin layers)

Nutella Crepes step 4

step 4

After a few minutes of cooking, the edges of the crepes will begin to come off, at which point turn it taking care not to break it. (help yourself using a spatula)

Nutella Crepes step 5

step 5

After cooking the other side, be careful not to burn it. Once cooked, go on cooking the others.

Nutella Crepes step 6

step 6

Fill your crepes by spreading half the surface with the desired amount of Nutella. Fold it in half and sprinkle the surface with icing sugar or cocoa powder.

Nutella Crepes step 7

step 7

Optional: after spreading the Nutella, you can fill it with slices of banana and or coconut flour.

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