58 recipes


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Smart legumes





500 oz


4 leafs

Kombu seaweed

1 unit

single courses from Italy - Piemonte

Smart legumes

Smart legumes

vegan high in fiber high in potassium

ready in

14 hours


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Smart legumes

This, rather than a recipe, is a clever idea to prepare legumes. How many of you take the ready ones for lack of time to prepare the dry ones? Yes, sometimes it happens to me too when I don't have the time to prepare, but when I have it, I prepare the whole package completely, which I then freeze already portioned for 150g inside the little bags ready for use. They thaw in two minutes under running water. With 500g of dried chickpeas I get 8 servings down, the black ones are beans made the same way

Smart legumes step 1

step 1

Soak the vegetables for 12 hours in plenty of water and baking soda. Change the water at least three times

Smart legumes step 2

step 2

After 12 hours, rinse the vegetables well and place them in a pan with plenty of water for cooking, which takes about two hours. If the soak is longer, cooking is halved. I also add laurel and seaweed for digestibility

Smart legumes step 3

step 3

Once cooked, I let them cool and then portion them and freeze them, so that they are always ready for use. This is not a little cunning, as you often find yourself rushing to prepare a meal at the last minute

Smart legumes step 4

step 4

I carry out this procedure for all types of dried legumes that require a 12-hour soak, except for the lentils that I leave only one hour to soak and then cook them for another hour or so.

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