
27 recipes


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Light clay gelato




Greek lowfat yogurt

200 oz

Protein powder

25 oz


1 oz

Desserts from Germany

Light clay gelato

Light clay gelato

vegetarian high in calcium

ready in

5 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Light clay gelato

I discovered the cinnamon ice cream in a small gelato in the center of Berlin, my version is very similar to that delicious and can be eaten every day !!!

Light clay gelato step 1

step 1

Pour 150 g of yogurt (I usually use the slim or greasy yogurt) into the ice mold and wait for it to solidify.

Light clay gelato step 2

step 2

Put the ice cubes in the mixer with another 50 g of yogurt, the proteins (I use those with vanilla flavor, you may also not use the proteins and sweeten with honey or other sweeteners), and cinnamon qb

Light clay gelato step 3

step 3

Smell it all !! If you like a softer consistency you consume the ice cream immediately, otherwise you will need a few minutes in the freezer to get a firmer consistency.

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