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Fake Greek yogurt and chocolate mousse!




Greek white yogurt

170 grams

Dark chocolate, with milk

70 grams

Fresh cream

250 grams

Desserts from world

Fake Greek yogurt and chocolate mousse!

Fake Greek yogurt and chocolate mousse!

vegetarian with lactose

ready in

2 hours


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Fake Greek yogurt and chocolate mousse!

A fresh and greedy spoon cake!

Fake Greek yogurt and chocolate mousse! step 1

step 1

In a saucepan heat 100 ml of cream, being careful not to let it boil. Cut the chocolate into small pieces and put it in the glass of the minipimer.

Fake Greek yogurt and chocolate mousse! step 2

step 2

Transfer the hot cream into the glass and frull, moving the blender up and down to incorporate air. Do not be scared if the mixture is liquid, it's all in the norm, once put in the fridge will harden!

Fake Greek yogurt and chocolate mousse! step 3

step 3

Transfer to the glass or container that we have chosen for the service, bring to room temperature and then put in the fridge for at least an hour (make sure it has solidified).

Fake Greek yogurt and chocolate mousse! step 4

step 4

Whip the cream (I used the glass of the minipimer with the whisk), then transfer it in a large bowl and add the yogurt. We incorporate with a trowel mixing from bottom to top.

Fake Greek yogurt and chocolate mousse! step 5

step 5

Insert into the glass with chocolate, pressing well with the teaspoon to try to eliminate the air bubbles. Back in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

Fake Greek yogurt and chocolate mousse! step 6

step 6

Decorate with fresh fruit (I used Vignola's wonderful cherries) and leave it in the fridge until ready to serve, with a nice long spoon to take all the layers!

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