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Lasagna with turkey breast and ham




Turkey breast

200 grams


50 grams

Grated Parmesan cheese

3 spoons

Skimmed milk

200 mL


20 grams

Type 00 wheat flour

1 spoon


4 pinches


2 pinches


1 pinch

single courses from Italy

Lasagna with turkey breast and ham

Lasagna with turkey breast and ham

with meat with gluten with lactose high in calcium high in potassium high in phosphorus

ready in

30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Lasagna with turkey breast and ham

You have never eaten a lasagna like this!

Lasagna with turkey breast and ham step 1

step 1

Prepare the béchamel: melt the butter in a saucepan, add the flour and mix with a whisk. Add the warm milk and thicken.

Lasagna with turkey breast and ham step 2

step 2

Cut the turkey breast into very thin slices and cook them lightly in a pan on both sides. Season with salt and pepper.

Lasagna with turkey breast and ham step 3

step 3

Oil a small baking dish, then form the layers: turkey, ham, bechamel and parmesan, until they are exhausted.

Lasagna with turkey breast and ham step 4

step 4

Bake in a static oven at 180 ° c for about 20 minutes.

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