131 recipes


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Potato marmalade with zucchini, provola and cooked ham




Iodized salt

to taste


to taste


1 sprig

Extra virgin olive oil

2 spoons


to taste

Provolone cheese

200 grams


1 unit


100 grams


500 grams

single courses from Italy

Potato marmalade with zucchini, provola and cooked ham

Potato marmalade with zucchini, provola and cooked ham

with meat with gluten with lactose high in calcium source of C vitamins high in potassium high in phosphorus

ready in

40 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Potato marmalade with zucchini, provola and cooked ham

A simple recipe for a unique little dish that is rich in flavor

Potato marmalade with zucchini, provola and cooked ham step 1

step 1

First I wash and peel potatoes, rinse under running water to remove excess starch and sliced ​​not too thin with a mandolin

Potato marmalade with zucchini, provola and cooked ham step 2

step 2

Cut the slices of the same thickness and then the zucchini then begin to compose my millefoglie on a frying pudding with a yolk I was following this order: potatoes, salt and pepper, provola, zucchini (follow)

placeholder step

sponsor of the author

Potato marmalade with zucchini, provola and cooked ham step 3

step 3

(follows) salt and pepper, provola, ham, provola, potatoes, salt and pepper, provola, zucchini, salt and pepper, provola, ham, potato, potatoes, salt, pepper, breadcrumbs, parsley and oil

Potato marmalade with zucchini, provola and cooked ham step 4

step 4

At this point I cook in a static oven at 200 ° for about 30 minutes (for a more intense glittering of the surface you can switch to grilling mode during the last 5 minutes of cooking) then I serve immediately

Potato marmalade with zucchini, provola and cooked ham step 5

step 5

Enjoy your meal!

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