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Jam with love





500 oz


2 unit

preserves from Italy - Lombardia

Jam with love

Jam with love

vegan high in fiber source of C vitamins high in potassium

ready in

1 hour 30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Jam with love

Jam made of only fruit! In this case I have used strawberries, but you can use: blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, in short, what you prefer. Good and simple, with a genuine and authentic flavor, it will not make you regret it

Jam with love step 1

step 1

Wash the strawberries or the fruit you prefer into chunks, and place them in a saucepan, add the two apples, always cut into chunks. Attention do not remove the peel from the apples because it will be exactly what will help us in our creation.

Jam with love step 2

step 2

Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally for about 40 minutes. Once ready and cured, use an immersion blender or a food processor to blend our jam. If you have used a blender, do it directly in the saucepan.

Jam with love step 3

step 3

Put our jam back in the saucepan if you have used a food processor, bring it back on the heat and leave for another 30/40 minutes on a low flame.

Jam with love step 4

step 4

Boil the glass jars to sterilize them, once ready place our jam inside. Do not touch the jam with the stopper stay slightly back, close the cap and turn it upside down, leave it like this for a whole night so that the vacuum is created

Jam with love step 5

step 5

After the night, take our jam and put it in the fridge, after a day, the nosyra jam will be ready to taste! Fresh, sweet and delicious

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