117 recipes


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Pan Grandma spain




Type 00 wheat flour

120 oz

White sugar

120 oz


3 unit

Baking powder for desserts

1 unit


1 sachet

Desserts from Italy

Pan Grandma spain

Pan Grandma spain

vegetarian with gluten with eggs

ready in

45 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Pan Grandma spain

The sponge is a basic preparation of pastry and is used for cream cakes, being a soft and light pasta.

Pan Grandma spain step 1

step 1

Break the eggs in a large bowl and pesatele, allincirca the weight ranges from 150 grams to 180 grams depending on the size of the eggs.

Pan Grandma spain step 2

step 2

Add sugar in an equal weight of three eggs and mix with an electric mixer until the mixture is fluffy.

Pan Grandma spain step 3

step 3

Add the sifted flour in equal weight of three eggs, sifted baking powder, vanilla (or lemon zest or orange zest) and mix the ingredients well, always using the whip.

Pan Grandma spain step 4

step 4

Grease and flour a round baking pan of the maximum diameter of 28 cm and bake in a hot oven at 160 degrees for about 30-35 minutes, the cooking time depends on the oven.

Pan Grandma spain step 5

step 5

If you use a smaller pan, the sponge will be higher and you can have multiple disks, then layered with toppings.

Pan Grandma spain step 6

step 6

Try it with a toothpick: stick it in the center of the cake and pull it out, if it comes out the cake is completely dry ready.

Pan Grandma spain step 7

step 7

Switch off the oven and wait two minutes before removing the sponge grandmother Spain.

Pan Grandma spain step 8

step 8

Extract it gently from the pan and let cool on a rack.

Pan Grandma spain step 9

step 9

Cut in half to get two drives and stuff you like, that's it!

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